Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Closely reveal your finalized lifeforms
in progressive half-time.
Consistent regression 
tarnish feather braids. 
Moving towards blackest experience of night.
Fires felt and towards your trial-fate;
tropical seas. 
North from the eyelids of your ethics-dreams!
to your lightest eyes.
The point-- to feel the deepest Father's yearnings.
flow from your quietest morning heat.
Amber eyes stained bright
through effervescent spirit-wombs.
Recurrent relations,
foothill majesties.
Migrations to recreate folded rip currents.
feather forms
Discrete // Fascinate // Assuming fables are the least of these.
From holiest origins. 
If // then: return. 
To your brightest house!
Tracing youth.
Basis: A tree of 1 node has 2 nulls, ok!
Safe in the windspeeds
of closer second-lives. 
Esteem from entireties,
shrouded in glass. 
Crackling and wild. 

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